Technical Help

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Before you read this page, remember that most problems can be fixed if you:

  1. Restart your web browser. (Close all windows then open it back up.)
  2. Clear your cache & cookies and RESTART YOUR COMPUTER.
  3. Use a different web browser. (We recommend Google Chrome)


For better or worse, is one of the most technologically advanced websites. We love pushing the envelope of technology and stretching the capabilities of web browsers to bring you the best possible interactive experience. As a result, strange technical errors will happen from time to time.

Please read this whole page to learn about how to solve nearly any technical issue you may encounter on this website. If you do not find a solution on this page, please Contact Support and we will try to help.

Over 90% of reported problems are solved by following the steps in these two sections:

Clear Cache & Cookies and Restart Computer

Cache is the technical term for temporary files that are stored on your computer while you browse web pages so that the next time you visit the same page it loads faster.

Cookies are small text files that are used by our website to remember your account information, preferences, and so on.

Sometimes your cache or cookies can get corrupted and mess things up. So the easiest thing to do is to clear (delete) your cache and cookies. Here is how to delete cache and cookies for each web browser:

  • Google Chrome: Click the (vertical ellipsis) icon in the top-right and select Settings. Select Security and Privacy and then Clear browsing data. Select Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files and then click Clear data. Then close all web browser windows and restart Chrome.
  • Firefox: Click on Tools links at the top, and then Clear Recent History. Click the Details arrow and make sure that Cookies and Cache are checked. For Time Range, select "Everything". Then click Clear Now and restart the web browser.
  • Safari: Click on Safari in the top left corner of the menu bar. Click Preferences and then click the Privacy tab. Select Remove All and click Remove Now in the confirmation popup. Quit Safari (don't just close it) and reopen for these changes to take place.
  • Opera: Click on Tools links at the top, and then Delete Private Data. Then select Delete and close all web browser windows and restart Opera.

If your web browser or version requires different steps, you can simply Google it to find out how to clear cache and cookies in your web browser.

Restart your computer after clearing your cookies and cache.

After you come back to the site with your cookies cleared, you should be logged out which means you will have to log in again.

Choosing a web browser

Your web browser is the program that you use to browse the Internet.

On very old Windows computers, Internet Explorer is the default web browser. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer is very outdated and can be very slow on complex interactive websites, including this one. It is strongly recommended to use Google Chrome instead.


This website relies on JavaScript for many of its interactive and dynamic aspects and features.

All modern full-functioning web browsers support JavaScript, but if you have any problems try these tips:

  • Check that you have JavaScript enabled (not disabled) in your web browser.
  • Check that your security settings do not forbid the execution of JavaScript.
  • Use a standard modern full-functioning web browser.
  • The best browser for JavaScript is Google Chrome.

Connection modes

When you arrive at, a connection must be established between the website and your computer, so that you can see which models are online, send/receive chat & private messages, etc.

By default, this connection is made using a technology called WebSockets (Gmail uses the same technology). WebSockets does not currently work with Internet Explorer, but it works with Chrome and Firefox web browsers.

If WebSockets cannot load, we will attempt to connect using AJAX.


There are lots of programs out there that claim to protect your computer including firewalls, anti-virus programs, security suites, and so on. In most cases, these programs are constantly running on your computer and significantly slow down everything you do, particularly browsing the web.

The most common culprits are Norton and McAfee but there are hundreds of others. If you notice this website running slow, we recommend that you try temporarily disabling these programs to see if there's an improvement.

Note for your firewall settings: this website uses ports 1935, 443, 5001 to broadcast/receive video and to connect to our chat server.

Internet Explorer Security Settings

If you are using the Internet Explorer web browser, go to Internet Options and under the Security tab make sure your security settings are NOT set to "High" which would not allow some plug-ins required for this website to function properly. You can set it to "Medium-High" or lower. In few cases, users have suggested that Turning OFF "Protected Mode" fixes this issue as well, but this is not necessary for most.

Note: Internet Explorer is extremely outdated. Please only use this as a last resort.

Third-Party Scripts/Content

We host every page, script, media file that will be sent to your browser.

Advertisements and Popups

You will NEVER SEE AN AD on MyFreeCams, unlike other cam sites. does NOT contain any advertisements or data collectors/trackers.

Note: we use Google Analytics to help us understand our users.

If you are receiving ads or pop-ups while on our site, it is because you have Spyware/Adware/Viruses on your computer that is causing these ads or popups to appear.

Please read the sections below that deal with Adware and Browser Plug-ins to learn how to clean your computer and fix the problem.


There are lots of names for it: malware, spyware, adware, ransomware, viruses, worms, data collectors. There is lots of junk out there that you don't want on your computer. Some are just annoying, whereas others can be very harmful. does not contain or link to any malware. But lots of other websites do, and that is why according to some estimates over 50% of all computers in the world have some malware installed.

Malware can display advertising, launch pop-ups, or even send spam, all without you knowing. Worse yet, malware makes your computer run slow which makes this website appear to run slow.

Ways you can get rid of malware on your computer (all free):

Note: After you install any of the programs above and get your computers clean, we strongly recommend that you un-install them. Otherwise, the programs will be running on your computer all the time which will slow down your computer just as bad as the malware they cleaned up.

Additional good utilities:

Also, there is a great forum called SpywareInfo Forum where you can post any questions and get some quick help.

If you think you have a real virus rather than just some malware, here are some good free anti-virus utilities: Avast Anti-Virus and AVG Free Anti-Virus.

Note: Lots of malware installs itself into Internet Explorer, so often the best solution is to use the Google Chrome web browser instead.

Browser Plugins

Many web browsers allow the installation of plug-ins or toolbars that may alter your browsing experience. Sometimes users install these plug-ins but often they are installed automatically as part of other software packages. These plug-ins often attempt to interfere with web pages you try to load by attempting to inject advertising or other malicious code. As a result, certain plug-ins may cause our website not to work properly.

If you are having problems in a particular web browser, we recommend disabling one or more plug-ins. Here is how:

To remove plugins from the Google Chrome web browser:

  1. Type chrome://extensions/ in the address bar and click Enter.
  2. Find the extension to remove and click the trash icon (uninstall) or disable it.
  3. Close all copies of Google Chrome, then restart it.

To remove plugins from Firefox:

  1. Open Tools menu, choose Add-ons.
  2. Click Plugins Tab, find the plugin and click once to select it.
  3. Click Disable button.
  4. Close Firefox and restart it.

More info here:

To remove plugins from Internet Explorer:

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the top right corner, choose 'Manage Add-ons' from menu.
  2. Select "Toolbars and Extensions" on the left, find and select the extension you wish to remove on the right.
  3. Click the Disable button in the details portion of the window below.
  4. Close and reopen Internet Explorer and restart it.

Known Bad Plug-ins

  • Scorpion Saver. This coupon software injects advertising and pop-ups into web pages like ours. Here is how to remove it:
  • White Smoke. This translator software attempts to inject advertising into web pages and, in doing so, does not function with our website. We recommend using the steps shown above to disable this web browser plug-in, and we also recommend uninstalling this software.
  • Browse2Save / BryOOwsee2ssavoe. This coupon software injects advertising and pop-ups into web pages like ours. We recommend using the steps shown above to disable this web browser plug-in.


This website relies heavily on Cookies to store your account information and preferences. Please make sure that your web browser is able to accept cookies while you are on this website. After you leave, you can clear your cookies if you want, but the next time you come back to this website you will just have to log in again.

Privacy / Stealth / Incognito modes

Some web browsers offer the option to turn on some sort of Privacy Mode and this may interfere with our ability to set cookies on your computer, which make it difficult or impossible to log in or navigate this website.

So if you notice that something is not working as it should, please consider turning off this privacy mode while on this website. As always, we pledge that your privacy is our top priority and we would never do anything to violate it.

Website is running slowly or sluggishly

This entire page deals with this topic. Please read this whole page top to bottom and try our suggestions and you will almost certainly end up with a faster and more pleasant experience on this website.

In summary:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Check your Internet connection and restart your modem if results are lower than expected.
  3. Disable your anti-virus/firewall.
  4. Clear your cache and cookies.
  5. Try a different web browser (we recommend Google Chrome).
  6. Scan your computer for malware.

If nothing helps, please Contact Support.

Slow typing and letters skipping

Some users have reported a strange bug, where as they type in Private Messages or pop-up windows, some letters skip once in a while. This bug seems to be most apparent in old versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Here is what you can do to fix it:

  1. Click Settings in the top toolbar and increase the model list refresh rate.
  2. Pause model list updates by clicking on the pause symbol in the top toolbar.

Member webcams

  1. Click Start My Webcam and then Accept the rules, then wait a few seconds for your camera to turn on (please be patient).
  2. The first time you do this, you will be prompted to grant permission for MyFreeCams to use your camera & microphone. Check the box to remember your selection to avoid being prompted in the future.
  3. At this point your webcam should be running and you should be able to see a picture in your My Webcam window.

White screen

If you do not see the webcam picture but instead all you see is a white screen, it means the Video Player is not receiving the feed from your webcam. Please try the following:

  • Please make sure you have the correct webcam source selected. The Broadcaster can detect many different things as a video/audio source so you need to specify your active webcam & microphone. Right-click your mouse on the white screen (where your webcam picture should show) or click the Broadcast Settings link to open the Camera & Microphone settings.
  • Close all other software that may be using your webcam. That means close down the software that your webcam came with, and also close down other webcam applications like Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. If you are seeing your webcam feed in another window, that means your webcam is already being used by another application and will not work on MyFreeCams. If you want to use your webcam for multiple applications, you will need to use software that outputs a virtual camera, such as SplitCam, ManyCam, Ecamm Live.
  • Only have one instance (tab) of open as multiple logins can cause problems for streaming your webcam. You can close all of your browsers and clear your cache and cookies to be sure.
  • Make sure that your webcam is properly installed. This means that in addition to physically connecting your webcam to your computer you must also install the proper drivers to make it work. Usually these drivers came on the CD with your webcam, but otherwise you can Google your webcam type and download drivers for free online.
  • Make sure you are using a normal web browser, and not any sort of private/incognito browsing mode.

Phones and Tablets is designed to work best on a normal desktop or laptop computer.

If you are using a phone or a tablet, please see the MyFreeCams Mobile site at or the MyFreeCams App site at

Video or audio not playing smoothly

Try changing the video protocol.

The following factors can contribute to this issue:

Your Internet connection: This website is best experienced by users who have a high-speed wired Internet connection. To test your connection speed to our servers visit

The Internet connection speed of the model: If the model has a slow Internet connection or if there is some network congestion between the model and the server she is connecting to, then the video and audio signal that we relay to our members may be of lower quality.

We invest heavily in our infrastructure and purchase the best available bandwidth to ensure the fastest possible connections to our members and models around the world. From time to time there may be circumstances beyond our control such as network outages around the world which can temporarily slow down the connections of some users and models.

The health of your computer: In some cases, what seems like a slow Internet connection is just a symptom of another computer problem that is causing this website to be sluggish. See the ways to speed up this site above.

The computer of the model: The quality of the model's computer, webcam and microphone all have an effect on the quality of the video and audio feed.

Problems connecting to the website

Try clearing your cache and cookies and then restarting your browser, or even restarting your computer.

Check your firewall, anti-virus, or security applications. This is the most common cause of this problem.

If you continue to have problems, Contact Support.

Problems logging in to your account

Make sure you are using the correct username and password. You may use our Forgot Password utility to have your username and password e-mailed to you. Or look for the e-mail that was sent to you when you first signed up which will also contain your username and password.

Corrupted cookies or cache. Try clearing your cookies and cache.

Did you de-activate your account? If so, you will not be able to login until you Contact Support and ask us to re-activate your account.

Are you banned? Contact Support and find out.

Problems registering a new account

To register for a free account just go to and click the Create a Free Account link at the top of the homepage. You will need to choose a username & password, and enter a valid e-mail address where your confirmation link will be sent. Alternatively, you may Sign in with Google or Sign in with Twitter.

If you signed up with an incorrect e-mail address, you will not be able to activate the account so you will need to sign up again. Choose another username and enter the correct e-mail address this time.

If you entered your e-mail address correctly but did not receive the verification e-mail anyway, please wait a few minutes and check your Spam/Junk folders. If the e-mail still does not arrive, please use a different e-mail provider. We recommend and use Gmail ourselves (with Gmail, the e-mail may go into your Spam folder but it will never just disappear!)

Popups and windows not opening

Because of the interactive nature of this website, many of our links open small popup windows for things such as private messages.

Pop-up blockers: We have done our best to make sure that our site works with common pop-up blockers such as the ones built in to toolbars or browsers. However, if you experience problems on our site, please temporarily disable these popup blockers or specifically allow our site to pop up windows. We will never pop up advertisements or anything other than what you click on.

Web browser errors: There is a bug in the Internet Explorer web browser where if you have too many windows already open, or if you do not have enough free memory, new requested pop-ups will simply not open and a JavaScript error may show up instead. In this case, your best solution is to clear your cache and cookies and restart your computer, or try using another web browser.

Malware: Spyware, viruses, and especially cryptocurrency-mining malware steal the resources of infected machines, significantly affecting their performance and increasing their wear and tear and causing all sorts of strange behavior. We recommend you try using another web browser and clean your computer to get rid of malware.

Anti-Virus / Security / Firewall Software: Software like Norton or McAfee sometimes have popup-blockers built in. You should disable that software when on our site, or enable popups in the options.

Tokens not showing up

When you purchase tokens using a credit card, they should be credited to your account within a few minutes.

You may need to refresh or reload to see the new token amount. In rare cases, you may need to clear cache and cookies and log in again.

It is also possible that this purchase did not go through or your credit card was declined. For any successful purchase you will receive a purchase confirmation receipt to your e-mail.

If you have received the purchase confirmation receipt but still have not received tokens, Contact Support.

Model not receiving your chat

It is possible the model has added you to her Ignore list.

Video Authorization Error

The webcam streams of our models may only be accessed from the website. Attempting to access them from an outside source will result in a screen that says Video Authorization Error. If you are getting this screen, please do the following:

  • Restart your web browser and try again.
  • If the issue persists, clear your cache & cookies and restart your computer before trying again.
  • If the issue persists, restart your internet router/modem and try again.
  • If the issue persists, please Contact Us and we will help you.

Contact Support

If you still have any problems or questions, please Contact Support and we will do our best to help you!