Install MyFreeCams Model Software on a Mac

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There are two ways to use your Mac to broadcast on

1. Use the Model Web Broadcaster (recommended)


2. Install Windows on your Mac using the information below and run the MyFreeCams Model Software.

Two ways have proven most successful in installing Windows on a Mac and subsequently running the MyFreeCams Model Software.

  • Use the built-in Boot Camp utility on your Mac to install Windows.
  • Use third-party software like Parallels.

After you install and run Windows, you will be able to install the MyFreeCams Model Software.

Important notes:

  • You will need a copy of Windows on a CD to install it.
  • If you want to use the built-in iSight webcam with Windows, you will need to use the Boot Camp drivers on the CD that came with your Mac, or use a version of Parallels that has the drivers already.