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Chat Commands

9,309 bytes added, 03:28, 12 April 2021
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== Arrow Keys ==

When your cursor is in the chat room text input area, your arrow keys have special functions:

*'''Up/Down arrow''' : Cycle through previous command(s).
*'''Right arrow''' : Show last command without any additional options.

== Chat Commands ==
Type any of the commands below in any chat room (some of the commands also work in a Private Message window). All commands begin with the forward slash (/) key.

Words surrounded by square brackets ' '''[''' ' and ' ''']''' ' indicate a required value. The square brackets themselves are not to be included into the text box when entering your command. For example, '''[USERNAME]''' would require a username (i.e. "John123").

=== /help, /? ===

Display a list of all chat commands in a pop-up window.

*Usage: '''/?'''
*Usage: '''/help'''

=== /homepage, /h ===

Go to the homepage.

*Usage: '''/h'''
*Usage: '''/homepage'''

=== /next, /n ===

Go to the next model's room.

*Usage: '''/n'''
*Usage: '''/next'''

=== /prev, /p ===

Go to the previous model's room.

*Usage: '''/p'''
*Usage: '''/prev'''

Note: In the Lounges and Member Rooms, this command will just switch video feed to the one requested, but keep you in the Lounge or Member Room.

=== /last, /l ===

Go to the last model's room you were in.

*Usage: '''/l'''
*Usage: '''/last'''

Note: In the Lounges and Member Rooms, this command will just switch video feed to the one requested, but keep you in the Lounge or Member Room.

=== /[modelname] ===

Go to [modelname]'s room.

*Usage: '''/[modelname]''' (where [modelname] is the username of an online model)
*Example: '''/juliana1'''

Note: In the Lounges and Member Rooms, this command will just switch video feed to the one requested, but keep you in the Lounge or Member Room.

=== /note ===

Add [message] along with today's date to the top of the User Notes for the model whose room you are in, or user you are PMing if using in a PM.

*Usage: '''/note [message]'''
*Example: '''/note birthday june 1''' : adds the note "birthday june 1" to the User Notes entry for the user you are conversing with

=== /notefor, /note4 ===

Write a note for a specific model (only you can see) when you are not in their chat room or PM.

*Usage: '''/notefor [modelname] [message]'''
*Usage: '''/note4 [modelname] [message]'''
*Example: '''/notefor juliana1 birthday june 1'''

=== /pm ===

Send a private message to [username] if they are online. This only works with online private messages, not offline private messages.

*Usage: '''/pm [username] [message]''' (where [username] is any online member or model, and [message] is your message)
*Example: '''/pm juliana1 Hello'''

=== /whisper, /w ===

Send a private message to the model whose chat room you are currently in.

*Usage: '''/w [message]'''
*Example: '''/w Hello'''

=== /me, /em ===

Write that you are performing an action in the third-person.

*Usage: '''/me [message]'''
*Usage: '''/em [message]'''
*Example: '''/me likes red cars''' : if your name was John123, it would say in the chat/PM: ''' ''*John123 likes red cars'' '''

=== /sarcastic, /sar, /sarcasm ===

Write a sarcastic message: the message will be slanted backwards (reverse of italics) to indicate that you are being sarcastic (not serious).

*Usage: '''/sar [message]'''
*Example: '''/sar You're really cool!'''

=== /awaymsg ===

Turn on PM auto-reply "I'm away from my computer at the moment" if someone PMs you while you are Away.

*Usage: '''/awaymsg'''

=== /back ===

Turn off PM away message auto-reply.

*Usage: '''/back'''

=== /quickbuy, /qb ===

Immediately purchase tokens using your last payment method without additional confirmation.

*Usage: '''/qb [amount]''' (where [amount] is the number of tokens to purchase: 200, 550, 900, 1875, 3775, 7575)
*Usage: '''/qb''' : view instructions how to use the QuickBuy command and available token packages
*Example: '''/qb 900''' : immediately purchases 900 tokens without additional confirmation

=== /tostorage, /ts ===

Transfer tokens to your Token Storage.

*Usage: '''/ts [amount]''' (where [amount] is the number of tokens to move from your Active Token Balance to Token Storage)
*Usage: '''/ts''' : view your current Active Token Balance and Token Storage Balance
*Example: '''/ts 125''' : transfers 125 tokens to your Token Storage

=== /fromstorage, /fs ===

Transfer tokens from your Token Storage to your Active Token Balance.

*Usage: '''/fs [amount]''' (where [amount] is the number of tokens to move from Token Storage to your Active Token Balance)
*Usage: '''/fs''' : view how many tokens you have in your Active Token Balance and in Token Storage
*Example: '''/fs 125''' : transfers 125 tokens from your Token Storage to your Active Token Balance

== Tip Chat Commands ==

=== /tip ===

Send a [amount] tip to the model with the tip message [message]. Tip and message are both shown in chat room if used without [[Chat_Commands#Tip_Options|options]].

*Usage: '''/tip [amount]
*Usage: '''/tip [amount] [message]''' (where [amount] is number of tokens to tip, [message] is the optional tip message)
*Usage: '''/tip [-options] [amount] [message]''' (see [[Chat_Commands#Tip_Options|Tip Options]])
*Example: '''/tip 50 thank you''' : sends a 50 token tip to the model with the message "thank you"

Note: for tip amounts over 1000 tokens you will be prompted to confirm the tip by clicking a link or sending a '''/y''' command.

==== Tip Options ====

Send a private, hidden, silent, anonymous, or repeating tip.

*Usage: '''/tip [-options] [amount] [message]'''

Here are the different '''[options]''' you can use in your tip:

*'''-p''' : '''P'''rivate tip ("ninja" tip) — tip and message are not displayed in the chat room
*'''-m''' : Only '''M'''odel sees the tip message — tip is still displayed in the room
*'''-s''' : '''S'''ilent tip — no tip sound
*'''-a''' : '''A'''nonymous tip — anonymous tips may not have a public message
*'''-h''' : '''H'''idden tip — tip amount is hidden from the chat room

===== Repeating tips =====
*'''-x[number of tips to send]'''
*'''-d[delay in seconds between tips]''' (repeating tips are spaced 1 second apart if omitted)
*Example: '''/tip -x5 13''' : sends a 13 token tip, 5 times, with 1 second between tips (total amount tipped will be 65 tokens)
*Example: '''/tip -x9 -d6 10''' : sends a 10 token tip, 9 times, with 6 seconds between tips (total amount tipped will be 90 tokens)
*Example: '''/tip -x10d5 50''' : sends a 50 token tip, 10 times, each tip 5 seconds apart (total amount tipped will be 500 tokens)

==== Tip Examples ====

*'''/tip 50''' : sends a 50-token tip, shown to the model and to the chat room
*'''/tip 50 Thank you''' : sends a 50-token tip with the message "Thank you", shown to the model and to the chat room
*'''/tip -a 50''' : sends a 50-token Anonymous tip, shown to the model and to the chat room (Anonymous tips may not have a public message)
*'''/tip -p 50 Thank you''' : sends a 50-token tip with the message "Thank you", where tip and message are NOT shown in the chat room
*'''/tip -m 50 Thank you''' : sends a 50-token tip with the message "Thank you", where the tip is shown in the room but the message is not
*'''/tip -ps 5 I'll be back after dinner''' : sends a 5-token silent tip with a message that only the model can see (this is a great way to discreetly communicate with the model without taking her attention away from the chat room)
*'''/tip -ap 50 Thank you''' : sends a 50-token Anonymous tip with the message "Thank you", where tip and message are NOT shown in the chat room
*'''/tip -am 50 Thank you''' : sends a 50-token Anonymous tip with the message "Thank you", where tip is shown in the room but the message is not
*'''/tip -pm 50 Thank you''' : redundant, same as '''/tip -p 50 Thank you''', explained above
*'''/tip -apm 50 Thank you''' : redundant, same as '''/tip -ap 50 Thank you''', explained above

*The order of the options doesn't matter: '''-ap''', '''-pa''', '''-a -p''', '''-p -a''' are all the same.
*When sending a hidden tip, numbers will be stripped from the tip note to avoid confusion (fake tipping).

=== /tipfor, /tip4 ===

Send a tip to a different model, even if you are not in her room, or if she is offline.

*Usage: '''/tipfor [modelname] [options] [amount] [message]'''
*Usage: '''/tip4 [modelname] [options] [amount] [message]'''
*Example: '''/tipfor ModelName 50 thank you'''

=== /sharetip ===

Send an MFC Share Tip to a model.

*Usage: '''/sharetip [amount] [share_code]''' (where [amount] is number of tokens to tip, [share_code] is the code for the item on that model's [[MFC Share]])
*Example: '''/sharetip 50 qwe345rty''' : sends a tip for the model's Album/Item/Collection/Goal/etc that had the code qwe345rty (you can find the share code in the URL of that thing on MFC Share)
*Example: '''/sharetip 50 ModelName''' : sends a normal ShareTip (up to 1000 tokens) to that model without tipping for anything specific

#You can only use /sharetip when in the model's room or in a PM with the model. You cannot tip a different model using /sharetip.
#Modifiers like "-a" or "-p" cannot be used with the /sharetip Chat Command.

== [[Model Chat Commands]] ==

Models may use some of the commands on this page as well as additional [[Model Chat Commands]].

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