Archives Not Guaranteed

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When everything is working properly, premium members have chat logs and videos from private shows automatically recorded and available in their Archives.

We do everything in our power to make sure that archives are recorded and work like they are supposed to. But please keep in mind the following...


  • This means that if archives are not recorded or not available for any reason, we cannot and will not credit the tokens spent on the private show.
  • The tokens spent on the private show are paid to the model. We always pay as much as possible to the models. Therefore, it is impossible for us to both pay the model and also to return the tokens to the member.
  • We spend a great deal of resources to make sure that our systems work as well as possible. But all systems will fail at some point, and we simply cannot promise with full certainty that your archives will be recorded.
  • This website offers a lot of interesting and unusual features, some of which are difficult to provide technically, and may not always work. Archives are one of those features. Sometimes they will not work, but we hope that most of the time they will. And we think that is better than removing Archives from the site completely.

Known Archive Failures

  • August 1-5, 2013. A small number of video archives could not be recorded.
  • October 29-31, 2011. A small number of video archives could not be recorded.
  • September 17-19, 2011. Archives from models broadcasting in HD were not recorded.
  • August 29, 2011. For a few hours, archives could not be recorded.
  • February 11, 2011. A small number of video archives could not be recorded.
  • January 19-20, 2010. Video archives were not recorded for about 8 hours.