Basic Tour
Please see Instructions and Features for more information.
No Ads, No Time Restrictions, No Nagging
All visitors to MyFreeCams have unlimited access to view as many models as they'd like. Take your time to explore our vast selection of unique models from around the world with uninterrupted ad-free viewing. You will never be nagged to create an account. Note: only registered users are able to chat and interact with models.
Create A Free Account

Come join the fun and become a member of the MyFreeCams Community by clicking Create a Free Account (no credit card is needed) in the top right of the MyFreeCams homepage!
Log In
Once you create your member account, you can log in and really explore the site.
You will notice that the right side of the site is now your Menu where you can see your Online friends and models, private messages, and access dozens of new features.
Now all of your settings and preferences will be saved any time you choose to return to the site.
Popup Chat Rooms
Click on any model's avatar to enter her chat room.
To watch multiple chat rooms at the same time, hold 'Shift' and click the model's avatar/preview to open chat rooms in new popup windows. You may also open in a popup window from the model's menu ☰.
There is no limit to how many chat rooms you can enjoy at the same time.
Live Preview Tiles

See room previews (instead of avatars) by clicking the 'Previews' button (located to the right of the online model count).
Private Messages (PMs)
You can send instant private messages (PMs) to models and other members on MFC.
When you add someone as a Friend you will see them on your right Sidebar online friends list and you can click their name to send them a PM.
MFC Mail
For longer messages we have MFC Mail which you can access from your Sidebar.
You will see a little indicator when you have a new unread MFC Mail waiting for you.
Be a Part of the MyFreeCams Community

You can turn on your own webcam by clicking the Start My Webcam link at the bottom of your right-side Menu.
You can choose who is allowed to view your webcam in your Personal Options.
You can keep your webcam on as long as you want and it is always free.
Create Your Profile
You should join most of our members and models and create a profile using the "Create Your Profile" link at the top of your Menu.
You can upload photos, share your interests, post on other profiles, and make lots of new friends among the members and models.
You can customize every little detail of your profile!
Publish Your Profile
After you create your profile you will have a personal homepage on MyFreeCams.
Your friends and models can leave you messages on your profile wall, check out your photos, and contact you through MFC Mail.
Check out the Profiles Section at
Customize Everything!

Custom Model List
Our most powerful feature is the ability to totally change customize the model list.
Click the Settings link at the top of the model list to select how you want the model list organized for you.
You can change which models appear, in what order, and pretty much everything else.
My Account and Personal Options
There are so many options and settings!
The bigger account options are located in the My Account section.
The smaller preferences are located in the Personal Options menu.
Special Features

The Lounge
All premium members have access to the Lounge.
It is a members-only room where you can use special controls to watch any live models while you chat with other members.
Our favorite place to hang out!
Your Archives
All of your chat text, in both chat rooms and private messages, is recorded in your private archives so you can look back on it at any time.
All of your private shows are also recorded and available for you to watch any time, absolutely free. Your private shows are YOURS to keep forever.
The Private Gallery

Premium members get a special bonus called the Private Gallery that you can access in your Personal Menu.
The gallery features random photos from random models from shows on this site. The longer you are a member, the more photos you get!
Model Notifications
You can set personal model notifications and we will e-mail you when your favorite models are online.