Bring a Friend

Jump to navigation Jump to search offers its members a chance to participate in the Bring a Friend (BAF) program where they can earn free tokens or premium status by referring their friends to the site.

How it works

Members go to their My Account page and then to the Bring a Friend section to find their special URL link code, which they can give to their friends. When the friends make a free account on or buy tokens for the first time, the original member that brought them will get a reward.

If you are a premium member: then you will receive 20 tokens when your friend makes a free account, and then 200 tokens the first time your friend puchases tokens.

If you are a basic member: you will receive nothing when your friend makes a free account, but you will become a premium member yourself for free the first time your friend purchases tokens.


  • NO SPAMMING. You may not spam your referral link in any way.
  • NO REFERRING YOURSELF. You will not get tokens if you refer yourself.
  • NO REFERRING FROM MYFREECAMS. Telling guests to join using your link is not allowed.
  • NOT ALL REFERRALS WILL COUNT. Our system does its best to determine legitimate referrals from fraud. Sometimes it makes mistakes.
  • NO COMPLAINING. The system is automatic. If your referral didn't get credited, sorry, there is nothing we can do.
  • NO CHEATING. If you cheat or abuse the system, you will be banned.

Also, do NOT post our links in inappropriate places, especially anywhere that minors may be find them.

Do not post on these websites

Spam is prohibited in general, but the following is a specific list of websites where you may not post your Bring a Friend link (usually, because the webmasters of those websites do not like it.) If you do it, your account may be closed.

  • or any website associated with 4chan.
  • (see Rules above).

This is just for fun

This Bring a Friend program was created to be just a fun way for members to get a few extra free tokens for telling their friends about the site. Please do not try to turn it into something more than that.

Don't spam, don't try to cheat the system, don't try to turn it into a commercial enterprise. And if your tokens do not get credited, please do not complain. Sometimes the system does not work.

This system is not officially supported

We spend all of our time working on the important parts of and that means we spend very little time on this Bring a Friend system which means it is Not officially supported, so you are using it at your own risk.

Your referral may not count, and your tokens may not get credited. Please do not contact us to tell us about this. We are busy with other things and do not have time to support or improve this system. If you do not like it, please do not use it.

Can models use Bring a Friend?

No. And please remember that the Bring a Friend links cannot be promoted anywhere on or the profiles area anyway.

Models can just make a premium member account to use the Bring a Friend program as long as they follow the rules above.